Thursday, July 7, 2016

Another Night, Another Shooting

The other day my son told me that he dreamed of being shot by the police. It wakes him up at night. This is the world that he lives in…the one that all of our sons and daughters are growing up in.

It’s 2:45am and less than a day of learning of Alton Sterling, my son gets to learn about a new name…Philando Castile.

I’ve been talking to my son about “the rules” for years now and even more so as he is learning to drive. I’m a spiritual woman so I pray  and am encouraged by those who also pray and speak of covering their sons/daughters in The Word.

I also imagine that the someone was praying for Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

Since childhood, I’ve heard that one must choose worrying or prayer but not both. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not losing faith but I’m human and I’m worried for my son and every son that I’ve ever taught.

Yes, I know…statistically, there is a small chance of actually being killed by the cops but that same probability existed for every other person on the wrong side of data.

I just need to know the new rules of staying alive because clearly they’ve changed.

Don’t walk down the street.

Don’t drive.

Don’t stop for help.

Don’t get in the system at all…for even minor petty things.

Don’t hang out with friends.

If you have a license to carry and have been stopped, don’t say a word or reach for your wallet.

Don’t even say the word, “gun”.

Don’t breathe.

It’s 3:15am.

As of now, my son is still sleeping. Tomorrow, we’ll discuss the latest hashtag murder.

Discussing it and not planning a funeral is a privilege.

This entire idea is disturbing especially considering that these practices aren’t new. What’s new is that they are instantaneously filmed and shared across social media which reminds me of Apple in the news for having a patent meant to disable smart phone cameras at concert venues.

Still think that’s an awesome idea?

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