Saturday, May 16, 2015

GCSE Trigonometry Revision

On arriving back at school after Easter I got my Y11s to write down, on a cue card, all the topics that they still felt they needed to go over or wanted to revise in class.
It was the perfect time to do this as they had sat a 2nd mock set of papers before Easter and were able to go through these papers, and all previous papers given to them over the course of the year, to pick out the topics that they were still getting wrong or needed support with.
I then told them that I would look over their topics and choose those that came up more often than others to cover in class in the run-in to their GCSEs. I also said that I would keep all of their cards bound together so that if/when they should seek support after school at our 'Maths Club' I have their personal list of topics to hand to go over with them. Here are there cards...(I keep them in my folder for their class so they're always at hand/easy to locate)...

Read full story here

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